Friday, July 13, 2012


This is going to sound bad.

During packing season, we take a little break from God.

Not a complete break -- never a complete break.  I still pray often.

But we don't have the chance to go to church because we work seven days a week.  I don't get a chance to sit down and read my Bible because I am always at work when I am awake.  I don't get to read the Bible to the kids or do their nightly devotion because I don't get to do the bedtime routine with them because our sitter puts them to bed.  We don't have time to memorize our weekly Bible verse like we do during the normal course of the year.

And I can definitely tell a difference.

I am crankier.  It is easier for me to get in a funk and stay in one.  The kids bicker more with each other.  I miss the kids, but then when I am with them, I snap at them more quickly.

We are Christians.  We need our daily time with the Lord, plain and simple.  It makes a huge difference in our lives.

But he answered, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4

Anyway, I saw on a blog and through a Facebook friend something that caught my interest.  It is a community of women who have all committed to reading the Bible and a series of devotions together and then journaling about their readings.  It is called #SheReadsTruth.

I decided to join up, and I am loving it.  I can't wait to see what each day's devotion is going to be about, and I look forward to writing in my journal each day -- although I have to say that is a difficult part for me.  Sometimes it is really hard to actually write down all of your thoughts and prayers on paper!

We started a new devotion yesterday, so I encourage you to join up and start reading.  This one is on prayer.  If you are like me and were taking a little break, this is a great way to get back into reading your Bible.  Click on over to #shereadstruth and see how to get started.

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