Thursday, February 23, 2012


So, blogging hasn't been my greatest accomplishment lately, has it?

I am not exactly sure where all of my blogging time has gone, but it sure hasn't been spent sitting around being lazy.

Here are a few things I have been up to...

:: We have recently started a couples' Bible study and rotate hosting duty, and Brad and I hosted last week.  In addition to hosting, we have been trying to keep up with our homework.  We are using the book 1 Timothy & Titus: Fighting the Good Fight by John Stott.  Everyone in the group seems to like it even though the questions are not the easiest.

:: Our farm is switching over all of our computer software, so we had several days' worth of meetings with an IT guy from our new sales company.  We are also looking into new software for our piecework part of our payroll, so we have had several conference calls with a guy in California who is trying to sell us his product.  

:: Not only did Brad and I just move, but our farm also just bought a new office building that is adjacent to our packing house, so I am moving offices as well as houses.  We have been having lots of meetings with electricians, family members, carpenters, etc. to get the new office ready to move in.

:: Sanders has strep for the second time since New Years.

:: I dropped my iPhone on the carport, and the back of it shattered, so I had to get a replacement phone. It was all well and good until I got the replacement phone and the darn thing didn't activate correctly.  I got to the airport last Saturday (more on that later) and tried to call Brad, and the phone didn't even have a phone number in it!  Later it told me that it was activated, but I couldn't get internet or connect to the "cellular data network" until yesterday when my sister spent 45 minutes on the phone with Verizon.

Have you spent any time without a smartphone lately?  It feels like being in the dark ages, and I thought certain people were ignoring me...

:: Speaking of the airport, I went on a fun little trip that I want to give its own little post, but here is a hint about it...

Any guesses?!?!?


Cherry Blossoms said...

New Orleans?!
I hope to visit Nola someday! You will have to share about your trip soon!

I'maNolaGirl said...

I know where you were!!!

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