Monday, January 31, 2011
Menu Monday: Well, Sort of...Not Really
Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Don't Worry, Mom, I'm Not Gonna Do This

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I'd Rather Be....

Monday, January 24, 2011
Menu Monday
Monday: I changed my menu around last week once I posted it, so tonight I finally got around to making Chicken Divan, Lightened Up (all of my recipes from last week were soooo good, and we had lots of leftovers, so I was playing catch-up from last week's post). Yum, yum, YUM!!! I have made it before, and you can read some things that I did differently from the actual recipe here.
Tuesday: Panko chicken with a steamed veggie.
Panko chicken is one of my favorite recipes, and it isn't an official recipe -- it is more of "a little of this, a little of that." And, it is not low-fat, although there are things that you can do to make it more or less fat it you would like. You will need chicken tenders (or breasts or whatevs), ranch dressing (I like to use Naturally Fresh Classic Ranch -- it is the best in my opinion), butter, and panko crumbs. So, here is the gist: marinate the chicken in the ranch dressing for as little or as long as you like (see, really scientific here!). Then, dredge the chicken in melted butter, and then in panko crumbs. And bake. Baking time depends on the type of chicken, obviously, but chicken tenders take around 20-ish minutes, and I bake them at 375.
Since I am trying to not be a fatty, I will most likely do away with the butter step. It is just as good without that step (she tells herself). I guess you could also do a low-fat ranch, but I think life is too short for such nonsense as low-fat salad dressing (blech.).
Wednesday: Marinated pork tenderloin and green beans that Margaret keeps talking about. I just have to get the recipe from her. I am marinating the pork in 1 cup each of soy sauce, brown sugar, and bourbon. I like to give the kids a good shot of liquor before they go to bed. It helps them sleep better.
Oh, I kid.
Thursday: Mexican Slow Cooked Pork Carnitas with tortillas and other burrito fixin's.
Friday: leftovers
Saturday: We have a wedding party, so we will be eating out
Sunday: hopefully some more leftovers
Last week was a pretty awesome week food-wise in our household. There was not one meal that the kids didn't like, and that is really saying something. We give five thumbs up to all of my recipes from last week's Menu Monday (where you can find the links to all of the recipes below)!
For the Southwest Pasta Salad, I made two batches of the dressing, and I marinated some chicken tenders in the second batch. I wanted Brad to grill the chicken, but he was running late getting home from work, so I ended up broiling them, and they were fabulous on top of the pasta. I made the pasta a day ahead, and it soaked up most of the dressing, so I added the dressing that I cooked the chicken in (it was cooked, so it wouldn't give us salmonella or anything...) on top of the pasta and chicken. That was a little too much dressing. So, when I make it again, I will just make the pasta the same day.
I served the Beef Stew with Beer and Paprika once over rice and once with the crusty french bread that the Pioneer Woman suggests. It was delicious both ways, and the kids thought they were getting something new since we changed it up the second time!
The Taco Soup was really, really good as well. I used garbanzo beans rather than kidney beans because I am not a huge fan of kidney beans, but I love a good garbanzo. ;-) It also makes a ton, so make it when you plan on feeding guests or when you want to have a lot of leftovers. We ate it for dinner, and lunch...and dinner...and lunch...and there is still some left! And there are five of us in this house -- granted three of us are children who may or may not eat very much depending on the day or mood, but still...
I will be adding all three of those recipes to my regular rotation! I love finding good new recipes!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
House Building: Finally Underway
1. We started on the house back in November and immediately had a stop order placed on the house.
2. We had to have our plans completely redrawn to show a more beefed up foundation -- one that is earthquake proof. And we don't live in an earthquake zone.
3. Brad had meeting after meeting with our building inspector and the building inspector of a neighboring county who acts as a consultant -- and makes all of the decisions, evidently -- for our county. A lot of frustration ensued.
4. We finally got somewhere when we realized that the new, beefed up foundation was going to cost us many, many thousands of dollars and Brad went in, with maps, and showed the building inspector exactly where our house is going to be compared to the earthquake zones. Thankfully we got some leniency.
5. We finally got to start on January 5th! So far we have gotten the trenches for the foundation dug, the rebar started, the well in, and power to the site.
6. We had our first inspection yesterday, the 19th. And we passed! Robert, our contractor, was completely prepared to fail because of all of our previous dealings with the inspector, so he had today set aside to redo whatever the inspector wanted redone. When he found out that we passed he sent Brad a text that was pure shock: "we passed! Thank God!" My thoughts, exactly!
7. Brad just texted me a picture of the concrete truck at the house. They are pouring the concrete for the foundation!
The Lord is definitely trying to teach me some patience with this house project, and I hate to admit that I have been kicking and screaming about it. I just have felt like this house was never going to get off the ground, but it finally has. I just can't wait (though I will have to for a loooonnnggg time!) to see the finished product!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Losing Some LBs.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Menu Monday
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Nine Years
Monday, January 10, 2011
Cute Ballerinas
Menu Monday
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Merry, Merry!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Menu Monday (on Wednesday!)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Let's Just Start Over, Shall We?
Look at the roundness of that face! SCARY!
So, that's that. I plan on seeing a lot more of you in 2011. Here's to a great year!