Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Movin' On Up!

(sing that title to the tune of The Jeffersons' theme song)

So, looks like we are moving soon.  I am crawling out from under boxes to write this post because we are now in the packing stage!!

Brad and I spent all weekend unloading everything out of our attic, and we ended up throwing a ton of stuff out and sending six huge trash bags full of stuff to Goodwill on Sunday and three bags today.  We have moved on to the kids' rooms and are trying to go through all of their stuff to organize it into what to throw out, donate, and keep.  It amazes me to think of the junk we had hanging around in this house...

This is what our living room looks like right now (this is our "goes to the new house" pile):

It kind of makes my blood pressure rise every time I look at it, but I know the mess will just get bigger before it gets better, so I am trying to be okay with it.  This is the hard part for me, also, because this is the packing up of the smaller stuff, and even though we seem to have a bazillion boxes stacked up everywhere, we still have most of the house left to pack.  It is a bit depressing.

We plan to spend Thursday through Sunday doing our actual move if all goes as planned...wish us luck!


Sharon said...

Good luck, Christie! Cannot wait to see your new home! :)

Sharon said...

Good luck, Christie! Cannot wait to see pics of your completed home! :)

Ashley said...

Good Luck! Hang in there! What a pain to move, but it will be so worth it when you get in the house you've been working so hard on. From the pictures, it is just beautiful! You'll be settled in no time!

Susan said...

Wish we were going to be here to help y'all! Can't wait to see the house again. :)

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