Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hopefully It Won't Make You Throw Up...

Sometime soon you might be shopping in your local Harris Teeter or Bi-Lo and see a familiar face or two -- mine, The Farmer's, and the kids'! We have had pictures taken twice recently for advertisements for both grocery stores. I am not exactly sure where they will use the pictures, but you could see us peeking out at you, along with the rest of The Farmer's family, when you least expect it.

We have a Bi-Lo around here, but we do not have a Harris Teeter, so if any of you spot us in your store, please let me know. I would love to see what we look like. (The Farmer's sister just sent me the link to the pics that the photographer took for Harris Teeter, and from what I can see, I am not real excited that those are going to be up for the world to see...)

Hopefully our faces won't make you sick to your stomach as you're doing your weekly grocery shopping -- and hopefully they will make you want to buy some blueberries or watermelons!

1 comment:

LP17 said...

I'm very excited to see all of my favorite faces in Bilo/Harris Teeter!

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