Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hi, my name is Christie, and this is my blog...

It's been a while, but I have my reasons.  Last week, Brad and I were on a fabulous vacation with 500 of my closest family members (or 34, the number is fuzzy) minus the kids, and the week before that I was a big bundle of stress getting ready for vacation. 

Why is it that getting ready for vacation is so stressful?
But, now we are back and trying to get back into the routine of real life.  Reality has been fun.  Fun, fun, fun.  Clemson lost to the dang Gamecocks.  For the third year in a row.  Duke the Dang Dog tore all of the insulation out from under our house while we were away.  It rained all day Monday.  It rained especially hard while I was putting groceries in the car.  Our cabinet guy has still not even built some of our cabinets, and I really wanted to be in the house by Christmas -- and he's known about these cabinets and has not had another job in front of ours. 

I liked vacation much better.  I would even let the kids come visit sometime!

Anyway, I have lots to blog about...vacation, house, I will be back soon!

For now, I leave you with the view from our room at Peter Island:


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