Friday, January 28, 2011


I got to hold some good friends' sweet new baby yesterday. I just love babies. Their new baby smell. Their teeny tiny-ness. The fact that they just let you hold them and love on them for hours and don't complain about it one bit.

It is so hard for me to believe that it was over three years ago that my baby was a new baby.

(Gibson at five weeks -- isn't he the cutest?!?!)

(His birth announcement photo)

(Gibson and Sanders, age 2)

I was talking to Margaret earlier today about how you forget how teeny newborn babies are and how holding a newborn makes you want one sooooo badly. But, we are pretty sure that our family is complete (okay, I am pretty sure, and Brad is 100% sure!).

But, it is hard to think about not having any more new babies in our house. No more new baby smell. No more babies to hold and look at all day. No babies to dress in sweet new baby clothes. No more new babies to kiss all over. Or at least, no more in our house to do all of that...

On the other hand, our life is really easy. It is nice to have no diapers. It is nice to have no middle-of-the-night feedings. It is nice to be able to pretty much pick up and go whenever we want. It is nice for my baby to be able to dress himself for the most part (although he still wants me to do it for him...oh, and to tote around his 40 pound self like a baby!). It is nice to be able to carry on conversations in plain English with all of my children (most of the time, that is!). It is nice to not have my arms full of baby stuff at all times or to smell like baby puke! It is nice to have my body back to myself. And the list goes on...

I know this is another one of those "grass is greener" posts, and I think holding a new baby will always make me want one. I am just a baby person. I will just have to enjoy my friends' babies and my nieces and nephews -- and I have plenty of those to enjoy.

1 comment:

LP17 said...

Awww! You can be Mary Cabell's surrogate anytime you want. She loves you.

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