Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Let's Just Start Over, Shall We?

Well. December just passed by in a blur, did it not? And now it is 2011. How did we get here?

And doesn't 2011 just sound weird?

So now we are back to the time when we are all promising ourselves something -- whether it is to lose weight, or to spend more time with the kids, or to keep the house cleaner, or whatever.

One of my resolutions is always to be more organized. I feel like I am a ball of stress and disorganization by the time Christmas rolls around, and I am always running around trying to get bills paid and gifts bought at the last possible minute. (Not to mention feeling totally unorganized in every other part of my life, too.) Then Christmas is over, and I always promise myself not next year -- next year I am going to take control of my life and be more organized so that I can enjoy my Christmas!

And then it never seems to happen.

So, that's resolution #1: Be more organized!

Resolution #2 is to be a better blogger. Let's face it: I really stunk it up in 2010. I know it; you know it (if you're still reading, that is!). I'm already off to a bad start to this resolution because I planned to do this post on January 1, but life got in the way...but here's to starting today. So let's just start over, okay?

Resolution #3 is the obligatory eat better/exercise more resolution. I was doing pretty well with this, but it got cold, so I stopped exercising outside (I hate the cold). Then Halloween, Tortola, and Christmas all came around along with lots of good food, so the eating well has also fallen by the wayside. I am perfectly happy with my size at the moment, but I am always up for some toning up -- and I sure don't want to end up back where I was this time last year...

Look at the roundness of that face! SCARY!

So, that's that. I plan on seeing a lot more of you in 2011. Here's to a great year!

1 comment:

Melissa W. said...

I think I used to read your blog and then you went private??? I hope this is you...your husband owns a produce company??

melissa from S.C.

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